Unpacking the Xplore iX104 XC6

So we get this box from Xplore Technologies, and it’s pretty heavy. And it’s a bit grimy. We figured we better open it outside. This is what happened:

Yes, Xplore sent us the brand-spaking new iX104 XC6 to make a point. Sod: It can handle grime and dirt. Sunglasses: You can use it in bright sunshine. Measuring tape: You can drop it from seven feet. Ice cube tray: it’s freeze-proof. Inflatable pool ring: it can handle full immersion.

It also has a Haswell processor under the hood. And dual 128GB solid state disks in a RAID 0 arrangement. So equipped and still wet from the hose-down, the big, tough Xplore blasted to the fastest PassMark benchmark we ever recorded. Impressive.

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