DJI Enterprise — Drones are becoming serious business

Every time I see a crew set up ladders around a building to examine a reef, assess damage, or determine how to maintain or expand a structure, I wonder why they don’t use drones instead. Drones eliminate the cost of transporting and setting up ladders and scaffolds, eliminate the danger of accidents, and get the job done so much faster.

We view drones as an increasingly important part of work in the field. They are your eye in the sky, they go places where humans cannot easily go, and they can easily shoot still images and video that help getting projects done faster and better.

Drones have huge potential in extending the reach of today’s rugged mobile computing technology into the sky, and they can do so easily and inexpensively. Why have most enterprises that could benefit from drones not started using them? Maybe it is because many still think of drones as toys. But drones have grown up to be stunningly competent and useful tools.

DJI, the market leader in drones, has been working to expand awareness of the many ways drones can help industry and enterprise. Their DJI Enterprise site contains a wealth of information on how drones can be used today.  They also published the below video on drone solutions for a new generation of work.

There’s significant synergy between rugged computing and drone technology. We hope to soon see examples of drones becoming integrated into mobile technology workflows, extend those workflows, and branch out into new opportunities.

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