
Category: Uncategorized

  • Thoughts about Computer Benchmark Testing

    Computers don’t have a single horsepower rating, so how do you best determine their real world performance?   Unlike vehicles whose specifications include a horsepower rating, computers don’t have a single number that indicates how powerful they are. True, horsepower (what an antiquated term that is) isn’t really all that relevant, because that number alone doesn’t tell the whole story. The same engine that makes a light vehicle a rocket might struggle in a larger, heavier vehicle. And even if the vehicles weighed the same, performance might be different because of a number of other factors, such as transmission, aerodynamics, […]

  • Microsoft…..

    Just a very brief entry. So this morning it is 18 degrees Fahrenheit, our water test facility beautifully frozen over, the light conditions just right. It’s the day we’ve been waiting for for winter product photography. Get everything set up, put the test unit in place. It’s absolutely freezing, my fingers barely work. So we put the test unit in place, set it carefully, gt right of any reflections, then turn the unit on s we can take the shots. Perfect. But wait… instead of displaying the test shots we had prepared, the ones that were specially made for this […]

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